Wednesday 12 August 2009

aku disini bersama laptopku...

hari ni aku bangun tido nagn penuh debaran..
wei aku lupa ari ni ada kelas kak jue...
mujur la Rey datang kejutkan..da pukul 9.38pagi..
its really kind of her siap tolong aku iron baju...
Rey i owe u 1....
pastu da la xbawak pendrive..kena create another new photo album...
my fault...

hari ni group aku x buat sketch presentation...
farah still unwell..dia balik rawang petang ni bas kol 4.30
sambil2 tengok group laen wat sketch aku mesej ngan farah..
she really makkes me so well!
she makes me think....she makes me be me again...
first it happen camni...
she text me said she want to see another group punyer present by video..
i said i cant help coz tak sangup nak masuk kan gambar that *person* in my phone..
farah said its ok..and this what she text me back...

"owh-pttlah ad that *person*. xpyh lah.sori la hari 2 sy xleh fkr dgn btl jd sy xleh bg idea yg bernas
n tngkan awk. nsht sy, wlpn sy xda pngalaman cinta2 nie,
klu org 2 xrespect need to continue.
he wants sumthing that you dont want to do,
just leave that guy. u deserve some1 better than him whose probably waiting for u somewhere (*caption*like yunho always said where is my wife to be) :p in relationship most important is respect n u care each other, believe me u lose nothing,but u learn something else,enjoy your life! aja2 hwaiting fatin! saranghea!"
thanks alot dear you makes me felt so comfortable..i apreciate wat u told me..
n will never ever be that stupidos girl again...awk lagi matured dari saya...
n when i said i malu giler...she said...
" biaselah tu mula2 mmg jd emo skit pas2 dah lama2 nnt oklah. x yah malu2 kte kan kawan nnt kte g makan baskin robbins ok!"
*remember my lovely tvxq member u-know...
YES farah saya akan cari some1 that can really appreiciate me
maybe a guy..
like Eric in Remember me? world will getting better...

rupa2nya farah faham saya selama ni...tengok jer senyap g2..
i respect her alot...tq sebab sudi jadi kawan say ye..
n to all my friends that comfort me selama ni...
hanya dapat ucap trimas hanya allah dapat balas jasa korang!
n maaf kalau saya ada wat korang terasa hati...i'm just a growing up girl that had to learn much more new things..mistakes can always happen...SORRY!!!!
well, hidop mesti di teruskan.....

owh pasal sketch lak tengok group laen wat presentation...
WOW! korang memang gempax!!!...
but kitorg mesti pastikan group kitorg lagi gempax...
mane leh kalah kan...hehe....

yay!! another good story...
my mak just call and she said maybe they will coming to Kuantan this friday..
myb shopping raya kot...owh how i miss them so much...
my aunt n her family will be coming to...pasti gempak....
leh mintak ayah tolong hantar my beloved laptop service...
sayang i nie..wat hal lak....its ok...hope everything will be so fine..